lambda calculus Application Function Function application function is represented by the term λf.λx.f x. It accepts a function as an argument and applies it to the argument of the function it returns. // λf.λx.f x let apply f x = f x let addOne c = c + 1 let applyAddOne = addOne |> apply
functional programming Pipes Inspired by the following Tweet from Eric Elliot in which he uses a reducer to make a pipe function, I thought I'd do something similar in Python and F#. const pipe = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x); const g = n => n
F# Style Guide, not Coding Standards In Stylish F#, Kit Eason suggests that we create Style Guides rather than Coding Standards to assist developers. A style guide "suggests" or guides rather than mandates, and better encourages creativity and originality while still producing code that is understandable by one's peers. He suggests that